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PureFish Fine Dining Quality Now Delivering To Your Home Fresh Sustainable Seafood !

Every PureFish has a name,
because every PureFish has a story.


The northwest isles of Scotland are some of the most rugged yet tranquil parts of Scotland. Roads that meander through rugged terrain, pristine lochs, & trees that seem to hang off the mountains. Among these isles, the Isle of Skye Stands out. It is off this and surrounding isles that Skye Steelhead Scottish Ocean Trout is raised to perfection by the Cannon family.

Stuart's home overlooks the farms where he equally spends time caring for his fish as he does his picturesque garden. Down the road it all begins at his hatchery where the rainbow trout are grown from egg using the natural spring water from the property, similar to the spring water used in this part of Oban for its world class Scotch.

This small scale boutique farm is run by farmers that live, eat, and breathe for their fish, and is joked that the farmers even name the fish individually. This care is not only for the fish but for every aspect of its inputs. Extra cost is spent to procure the highest quality feed that uses a higher percentage of fish oil to ensure the health of the trout and to pass that on to us.

The result is a rainbow trout that is then transferred to the salt water seas to develop into a true salt water steelhead or as they are referred to in Scotland "sea trout".

The resulting product is something you have to taste to believe, slightly milder than salmon with a higher fat content that yields one of the most buttery tasting fish you have ever had. Praised by the top sushi chefs for its taste and texture when eaten raw, and loved by chefs for its mild taste and buttery sweet finish.

If you like salmon you will love Skye Steelhead.



Skye Steelhead has a slightly milder flavor when compared to salmon, but very similar taste. Many people mistake it for salmon. Its taste will be light, with a sweet finish when cooked. Raw it will have a "buttery" & "sweet" finish with a firmer texture loved by many sushi chefs.



Scottish Western Isles

Open ocean currents & deep water at sites, helps keep skye steelhead fit & healthy as well as a healthy seafloor.



Ultra low stocking densities of aquaculture sites, as low as 98.5% WATER TO 1.5% FISH.

Aquaculture sites are rotated and areas are left fallow for months in between harvest and restocking.

Global Good Aquaculture Practices Certified

Low Fish In: Fish Out Ratio

Feed Conversion Ratio: 1: 1.3



Marine fish meal & oil is sourced firstly from sustainable managed fisheries unused fish trimmings from fish caught for human consumption, thus taking what would have been a "waste" into a new net protein. This not only makes a "zero in, zero out" sustainable approach but takes the fishing pressure off vital wild feeder fish stocks.

Antibiotic Free

Hormone Free

GMO Free

Land based animal protein Free

Synthetic coloring free



ZERO WASTE policy ensures environmental footprint is constantly minimized. There is no portion of the fish that is wasted.

All off cuts that are not used for our perfect portions are used to make "human grade" high quality pet food.

Fish guts can be sold as fertilizer for land farmers, and any fish waste can be processed into vital fish oil that can be used in supplements. All fish are harvested to order so no fish goes unused or wasted.

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